BEGIN the puzzle. what are the pieces.

Exercise Physiology and Movement Diagnostics

Every human needs the capacity to Squat, Hinge, Push, Pull, and Rotate. Those all need to be addressed for the best chance of keeping functional strength, stability, and mobility. Understanding your true biomechanics, what to fix, and how to strengthen those is mandatory before anything else. Getting strong and resilient is not just important for sport. Everyone needs to train and I can help define and build that for you depending on your goals and limitations.


We all have different goals and sometimes we excel in one area, but need help in another. Sometimes we need to learn the capacities of movement and how that applies to our life or activity. Sometimes we are an amazing athlete, but need more education or guidance for nutrition. Sometimes we know what we should be doing for diet and strength, but have trouble putting the big picture together. None of these areas are mutually exclusive and all have overlapping impacts on another. They all are improved with the positive influence of a coach though. I’m confident that we can understand where the biggest focus lies and I can motivate you to find a better alternative. Whether it’s getting strong, feeling better, or changing perspective. Coaching helps it all.

Bike fitting and metabolic testing

Bike fitting, nutritional recommendations, and training workloads are based off algorithmic recommendations and large data sets. You and you alone need to answer what you need out of your bike fit, and your training focuses will be unique to you as well. Taking the steps to learn your own findings for these will remove all external anxiety and ambiguity for where change is needed. Solve for you, improve for you!

how it helped me and my family

Jeremy Wofford. Vapor 125 Race
Professional trainer, nutritionist, and proud Dad!

I was always an active and athletic kid, but about 10 years ago I had a few scary years of my life when I would have my legs start to shut down on me. That physical and limiting symptom started the journey of truly learning metabolic function, the importance of diet, and of staying objective. 10 years later and I’ve built a thriving business as well as a thriving family based on the education I took for myself. I’m also well past whatever perceived physical ceiling I thought I would tap out at. There is no ceiling if you stay curious. There is no right diet, but there is always a chance to improve. I had to understand how important movement and health is for a quality of life, to understand how to gain that back for myself. Learning more about yourself in this regard will lead to the most fulfilled and accomplished feeling of ability you can ever get. The life I live now is a direct result of me leaning into that anxiety and learning how to gain full control of my health. Throughout that journey it’s strengthened my lessons I’ll give to our kids, as well as the level of adventure and fun we tackle as a family. Don’t ever stop learning and trying to be better every day. It’s worth it.